How To Heal Cavities Naturally

How To Heal Cavities Naturally

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Tooth decay is another message from our bodies that something is out of balance.  Tooth health is kept in check with proper nutrition, not dentistry or fluoride.  In fact, fluoride doesn’t make teeth stronger and it actually puts our health at risk.

In a recent study published in The Lancet Neurology fluoride was added to a list of toxic environmental chemicals contributing to neuro-developmental disabilities such as autism and ADHD.  Fluoride joined the list along with mercury and arsenic.  This casts a new light on those fluoride treatments offered by your dentist, doesn’t it?


Unfortunately in many places around the country water is still fluoridated and any bottled water bought at the store usually contains added fluoride too.  Not to mention the fluoride in many children’s toothpaste brands.

What Causes Tooth Decay

Tooth decay happens for a multitude of reasons including:

  • Lack of Fat Soluble Vitamins (mostly vitamins A and D)
  • Standard American Diet Full of Processed Foods (SAD)
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Lack of Minerals in the Diet
  • A Diet High in Phytic Acid (naturally occurring on most grains, nuts and legumes.  Phytic acid can be removed by soaking grains, nuts and legumes overnight in water and a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice before consuming them.)

What You Can Do To Treat Cavity Naturally

  • Increase fat soluble vitamins A and D by taking 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil daily.  ‘Apex Energetics’ makes an emulsified fish oil for better absorption.
  • Drink 1-2 cups of bone broth daily.
  • Oil pull every morning with coconut oil  for 20 minutes.
  • Remove grains and sugar completely from diet.
  • Increase your consumption of grass-fed gelatin  in soups and
  • Switched to re-mineralizing toothpaste .  It tastes like clay (because it is) but do it anyway.
  • Trace mineral drops  (10 drops twice daily).

Can You Heal Your Cavity Naturally?

A lot of people doubt the possibility of healing cavities naturally because it’s been drilled into us (pun intended) that filling cavities with dentistry is the only way to achieve healing but that simply isn’t the case.


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