7 Foods That Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

7 Foods That Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

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If you are looking for foods that are going to help you get the job done right when it comes to lowering your cholesterol, then look no further. We understand that with the new year being at large that some people are

switching their diets to other mindful eating habits. Start your new year off right with the proper food to getting you to the health that you deserve.

1. Add Garlic

Garlic is one of the most universal herbs that you can buy. Garlic is known to help prevent blood clots, lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and even protect against infections.

2. Add Margarine

Margarine with plant sterols such as Benecol and Promise active can definitely help reduce your cholesterol levels.

3. Add Chocolate (if you haven’t already)

Chocolate is actually a wonderful food that is able to lower cholesterol levels. In fact, in a study in 2007 published in AJCN, individuals were given cocoa powder to test and had seen to have 24% increase in their HDL levels in just over 12 weeks. This is way better compared to the 5% increase from the control group.

4. Add Beans

Beans are probably best known to help with a variety of health issues. According to researchers at Arizona State University Polytechnic had discovered that by adding 1/2 cup of beans to soup can lower the total cholesterol, which includes LDL by up to 8%.

5. Add Tea

Tea has also been known for cancer-fighting antioxidants, but can also be used a wonderful defense against LDL cholesterol levels, too. Provided by research from the USDA, black tea has been shown to have reduced blood lipids by up to 10% in just only 3 weeks of commitment.

6. Add Nuts

If you are looking for a perfect healthy snack food, nuts are also just for you. In fact, a study that was published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who were able to eat 1.5 ounces of whole walnuts within 6 days a week for 1 month were able to lower their total cholesterol by 5.4% and their LDL cholesterol by 9.3%. Eating almonds and cashews are also a good alternative.

7. Add Salmon/Fatty Fish

Fish in particular are also a wonderful natural treat to the body. Full of Omega-3s, salmon has been known to help prevent heart disease, dementia, and a variety other of diseases. They are also capable of lowering your cholesterol by as much as 4%.



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