This NFL Star Will Crush Everything You Know About Vegans

This NFL Star Will Crush Everything You Know About Vegans

Chicago Bears, Carter, being the 310-pound lineman that he is, had to increase his intake of weigh in order for him to compete with the other huge men that partake in the sport. This meant that he had to gorge himself with foods

like ice cream, beef, fries, chicken, and milkshakes. Foods that were going to give him calories. However, this had an extreme impact on his body.

As he decreased his weight to 285 pounds, Carter unfortunately became burdened with tendonitis to the point where he wasn’t able to lift himself out of the bathtub anymore. Carter was also in pain in shoulders and even losing the feeling in some of his fingers. As things seemed bad enough as it is to Carter, he just happened to be watching a documentary on veganism which then gave him an amazing revelation.

The documentary had mentioned that dairy products had a very profound effect on tendonitis:

“I realized I was making everything worse. I was feeding the tendonitis, the muscle fatigue, everything.”

This allowed for him to finally make the decision that he no longer wanted to be in pain but instead wished to have a healthier diet. So that from point on, Carter had become vegan. So how was he suppose to line himself up against the monstrous men that he were to find himself pressed against? Easily, he had become stronger, resilient, faster, and without any pain to hold him back.

“I try to eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound per day. Otherwise it’s really hard to gain weight.”

He claims to eat 10,000 calories per day and splits them up into five regular meals or four “snacks”. All of which may take the form, according to GQ:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with hemp protein, bananas, and berries
  • Snack: 20-ounce smoothie made with cannellini beans, banana, strawberries, and spirulina
  • Lunch: Brown rice and black beans topped with avocado and cashew cheese
  • Snack: Another 20-ounce smoothie
  • Another lunch: More of the brown rice and black bean combo
  • Snack: Another 20-ounce smoothie
  • Dinner: Couscous with onion and garlic, and spinach salad with bell peppers
  • Snack: Another 20 ounce smoothie

Good luck and stay vigilant out there!



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