Bay leaves have been considered as a sacred plant by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and they have been used this plant as a medicinal herb for thousands of years.

We all know that the winners of the Olympiad wore a laurel wreath on their head, and symbolic meaning of this mythical plant was honor and glory.

This reveals how much laurel was important in the past. So, there must be a good reason for this.

Bay leaf has anti rheumatic, antiseptic, bactericide, diuretic, sedative, antioxidant properties. The leaves and berries of the plant are also effective in the treatment of hysteria, neurasthenia and stomach flu.

The main active substances of this herb are pinene and cineol. It also contains many essential oils that act soothing. It means that this plant also has psychoactive effects and it can have a positive effect on mood.

All you have to do is to light a single leaf in an ashtray. Then leave the room and return after 10 minutes. Afterwards, the room will be full of fragrances that will relax you and your whole family.

Note: Psychoactive effects of laurel were described in many myths and legends, such as the one about the oracle at Delphi, where girls chewed bay leaves to see the future.


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